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Based on their extensive knowledge of the natural habitats of the most popular aquatic plants, Dennerle has developed a humus-rich long-term mineral nutrient medium especially for aquariums. The plant is optimally supplied with all the nutrients it needs via the strong, widely branched rootstock. This allows the care of even sensitive species that are difficult to keep in the aquarium. Deponit-Mix naturally contains no additional phosphates and nitrates - nutrients that can promote algae in too high a concentration - and it is covered as the bottom layer of aquarium gravel. Many years of practical experience show that Deponit-Mix effectively prevents algae plagues. The combination of depot nutrients, trace elements and clay minerals, which regulate the nutrient balance, always gives the aquatic plant roots the right amount of nutrients. Natural peats rich in humic acidify the soil slightly and make plant nutrients more available. Clay minerals, humus substances and soil bacteria are already active in the slightly moistened Deponit-Mix. The bacteria are supplied with oxygen through the two holes in the lid. The white activator pearls are also unique; they act like a bacteria filling station and ensure full microorganism power right from the start. Depending on the plant population, lighting and other fertilization, aquariums with DeponitMix can last up to 10 years.

Deponit Mix Pro in detail

Dosage and Application

1. Spread nutrient soil 1.5 – 3 cm high on the aquarium floor.
2. Cover with aquarium gravel 3.5 – 6 cm high.
3. Moisten the aquarium floor well with water.
4. Plant plants.
5. Carefully fill the aquarium with water (approx. 20°C).
6. Put the technology into operation (filter, heater, light, etc.)

Deponit Mix Pro